Animaga Guests 2024

The Stars of Animaga 2024

Prepare to be dazzled by the luminaries of the anime world at Animaga 2024! From acclaimed Japanese voice actors to talented artists, our star-studded lineup promises unforgettable encounters and exclusive experiences. Stay tuned for exciting updates and more!

KNITE | Cosplayer

KNITE will be joining us at Animaga 2024, celebrated for her extraordinary ability to bring fictional characters to life through meticulous craftsmanship and creativity. Her impressive portfolio features a wide array of characters, including the vibrant and energetic Tracer from “Overwatch” and the enigmatic Eileen the Crow from “Bloodborne.” KNITE’s meticulous attention to detail and mastery in costume fabrication have made her a standout figure in the cosplay community, where she is lauded for her artistic dedication and thematic fidelity to the characters she portrays.

At Animaga 2024, KNITE will be sharing her cosplay journey through engaging panels and interactive workshops. Participants will have a unique opportunity to learn directly from her, gaining insights into costume design, prop building, and character portrayal. Whether you’re new to the art of cosplay or looking to enhance your skills, KNITE’s sessions will provide invaluable guidance and inspiration to all attendees. Join us to gain deeper insights and practical knowledge from one of the leading figures in the cosplay world.


Stay tune for more information !!!


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